Little evokes innocence and purity more than images of nudes in nature, it’s how we were born…right?! And, I believe, how we were meant to be! The soft beauty of the human form juxtaposed against the hard, sometimes unforgiving landscape provides a comparison and contrast which naturally grabs the eye and provokes one’s own inner thoughts about the freedom we feel when unburdened of societies coverings and allowed to frolic among nature’s “virgin land of forest green and dark and stormy plains”, to quote the great band Kansas. Every time I’m in nature, and especially while attempting to capture both the beauty and elegance of the model at hand and the natural beauty provided, Kansas’ “Song for America” runs through my head during the entire event. The words accurately and eloquently describe the naturally provided backdrop, much more so than I ever could: “Virgin land of forest green, dark and stormy plains, here all life abounds… Sunlit valley, mountain fields, unseen in the rain, here all life abounds… Painted desert, sequined sky, stars that fill the night, here all life abounds… Rivers flowing to the sea, sunshine pure and bright, here all life abounds…”